Afa specialises in the production of stapling clamps or stapling springs for automatic fittings using only stainless steel. The tightening spring retains the tube in the fitting without deforming it or scratching it and, by pressing the fitting, it guarantees release and insertion for multiple cycles. 

The high level of specialisation in various fields and sectors allows AFA to always guarantee the best solution and excellent results also in the pneumatic sector, bringing innovative ideas to life in the field of design and production of mechanical components.

Flexibility and precision

To reach the maximum technological level in the field of precision mechanical parts, AFA constantly updates machines, equipment and tools to always offer the best flexibility, also with medium and small batches in full observance of the tolerances required by the drawings.

The long-standing experience in the sector allows the company to understand every need and also provide customised consultation for every need. In addition to manufacturing standard products, AFA offers all of its know-how to solve every type of problem with targeted engineering solutions to always achieve the best possible results.

AFA has been manufacturing industrial pneumatic components since the very beginning, in 1973, for which they use stainless steel almost exclusively.

The term pneumatic comes from the Greek “pneuma”, meaning “wind” or “breath”. It is currently a standard-setting technology in various fields, including thermohydraulics and electric, where pneumatic components are used in compressed air systems.

The components of a pneumatic system are set in motion through a pressurised gas or liquid . It is no coincidence that the first thing associated to pneumatics are pneumatic cylinders.

Just as with hydraulics, pneumatic components belong to the field of fluid technology, exploiting both liquid elements for motion as well as compressed air. These fields are necessarily different, but they share one thing in common, AFA’s offer for pneumatics: 100% conflict-free production, with an ethical approach, in the name of precision and quality.

Fields of use of industrial pneumatic components

Pneumatic components are distinguished by an intrinsically eco-friendly approach. This is because air has always been considered an economic and ecological propelling means: this is why pneumatic equipment has been so successful.

AFA offers items of direct ownership as well as custom, i.e. manufactured-to-measure for the individual project based on the customer’s drawing. The ideal solution for the most innovative and experimental companies that need custom pneumatic system components.
Many sectors use components of pneumatic systems, i.e.:

  • Sectors that involve the handling of materials.
  • Medical technology.
  • Automotive and transport sectors, including compressed air brakes in lorries and buses.
  • Sectors that require propelling.
  • Logistics and relative equipment, such as pallet trucks and industrial forklifts.
  • The pneumatic components are used in multiple ways, including whitewashing machines.
  • Aeronautics and aerospace.

The pneumatic components manufactured by AFA are extremely versatile, able to adapt to the various situations that they are used in. Customisation due to very high level company know-how.

AFA certifications for pneumatic components

AFA pneumatic components are manufactured as per the standards that represent an additional guarantee for businesses. There are two specific standards: ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015. The first concerns the design and production of precision technical parts; the second, on the other hand, also concerns the design and production of metal precision technical parts for electric motors and other applications, as well as the execution of heat treatments.

Standards that attest to AFA’s quality for companies that use high-level pneumatic components and that need a safe, effective, in a word ‘guaranteed’ modus operandi that can provide efficient answers to every project.